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29 results:
11. Oliver Titzmann  
Oliver Titzmann Director of the Center for Change Management Oliver Titzmann studied economics at Warnborough College in Dublin. His academic education focused on communication and psycholinguisti  
12. Anton Schaller  
Further persons ‚Leadership & HR-Management‘ Anton Schaller Working as a journalist, TV producer, TV coach, presenter and political advisor, Anton Schaller has always devoted his life to the s  
13. Rolf Specht  
Further persons ‚Leadership & HR-Management‘ Rolf Specht Dr. phil. I For 25 years, Rolf Specht has specialized himself in assisting CEOs and top management teams with the systemic and systemat  
14. Urs Rauser  
Further persons ‚Leadership & HR-Management‘ Urs Rauser Prof. Ph.D. Urs Rauser studied economics and jurisprudence at the Universities of Zurich and Oxford and successfully passed his thesis a  
15. Erhard Büchi  
Further persons ‚Finance & Controlling‘ Erhard Büchi mag.oec. HSG Erhard Büchi has extensive experience in the training of executives with particular specialization in the fields of finance  
16. Christoph Keller  
Further persons ‚Finance & Controlling‘ Christoph Keller lic.oec.publ. Christoph Keller holds a degree in Economics from the University of Zurich with integrated postgraduate studies as busine  
17. Thorsten Truijens  
Further persons ‚Finance & Controlling‘ Thorsten Truijens Dr. oec. HSG, MBA Director of the Center for Financial Management After studying in Germany, the US and in Switzerland, Thorsten Trui  
18. Howard Finch  
Further persons ‚Finance & Controlling‘ Howard Finch Prof. Dr. Howard Finch studied at the University of North Georgia and Mercer University and holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of  
19. Anna-Lena Klein  
Further persons ‚Marketing & Sales‘ Anna-Lena Klein Director of the Center for Online Marketing & Social Media Anna-Lena Klein is a graduate in Advertising, Marketing as well as Social Med  
20. Johann Schlieper  
Further persons ‚Marketing & Sales‘ Johann Schlieper Dr.rer.pol. After graduating in economics at the University of Fribourg with majors in marketing and advertising psychology, Johann Schliep  
Search results 11 until 20 of 29

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