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29 results:
21. Alexander Haldemann  
Further persons ‚Marketing & Sales‘ Alexander Haldemann Dr.oec. Director of the Center for Brand Management Alexander Haldemann is an internationally renowned expert on strategic branding and  
22. Stuart Van Auken  
Further persons ‚Marketing & Sales‘ Stuart Van Auken Prof. Dr. Stuart Van Auken heads the e-learning program Marketing Management at SGMI Institute of Management St. Gallen and holds a Ph.D. i  
23. Christian Muntwiler  
Christian Muntwiler lic.oec. HSG Christian Muntwiler has studied economics at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). He obtained a degree as lic.oec. HSG with a specialization in media and communicatio  
24. Chris J. Stern  
Further persons ‚Strategic Management‘ Chris J. Stern Dr., MBA Chris Stern is an entrepreneurial pragmatist with a highly practial approach to business adiminstration. As an expert consultant for  
25. Nadine Walter  
Further persons ‚Strategic Management‘ Nadine Walter Prof. Dr. Nadine Walter holds a degree in business administration from the University of Mannheim and an MBA degree from the University of  
26. Walter Rodriguez  
Further persons ‚Strategic Management‘ Walter Rodriguez Prof. Dr. Walter Rodriguez is responsible for the entire e-learning program at SGMI Institute of Management St. Gallen and supervises the mo  
27. Hans Peter Fagagnini  
Further persons of the Advisory Board Hans Peter Fagagnini Prof. em. Dr. University of St. Gallen Chairman of the Advisory Board Hans Peter Fagagnini obtained his doctorate and habilitation at the  
28. Emil Brauchlin  
Further persons of the Advisory Board Emil Brauchlin Prof. em. Dr. University of St. Gallen Honorary Chairman of the Advisory Board and the Academic Committee Emil Brauchlin graduated from the Un  
29. Research  
Literature about the St. Gallen Management Model: Philosophy The Concept of Holistic, System-Oriented Management Management teachings and education are characterized by a confusing multiplicity  
Search results 21 until 29 of 29

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