Three-day seminar on methodology and the most important components of goal-oriented change management. For executives facing or involved in change management projects or acquiring tools related to change management.


What are the key success factors of a company? According to recent studies, one often overlooked ability stands out: The ability to drive the necessary change with full commitment. Companies and their departments have to be fit for change. For years, the SGMI Institute of Management St. Gallen has been exploring mechanisms for positive change management. What did we learn? Driving change boldly and with full commitment, while preserving the proven aspects, is the most promising way for change. In this seminar, we teach the methodology and key components of successful change management.

Managing change means establishing new elements without sacrificing the proven and valuable experience of an organization and its employees. It is much more than "change management", which primarily focuses on new things, giving the impression that everything new is automatically right and good, and that all accumulated experiences belong to the past are therefore useless. Managing change is the comprehensive management of a far-reaching, profound transformation. It is about achieving something new while preserving gained experiences. This way of thinking from St. Gallen helps avoiding camp formations between innovative change agents and conservative preservationists in an organization and aligning both groups to work together towards a successful future.


Change Management

Changes in the environment leading to adjustments in strategy, structure, culture, or processes require executive leadership. Employees need to understand why a change is necessary. And they need to understand the purpose of new concepts and why they are fundamental to future success. But above all, they need to understand what the change demands of themselves and how their behavior can be beneficial or a hindrance in the process.

Lead to Implement

New strategies, structures, and concepts that come from "higher up" are rarely met with enthusiasm. Skepticism and mistrust, or even a wait-and-see attitude, prevail. Only a few see change as an opportunity. Then again, implementing change is hardly possible at the touch of a button or by decree. But positive results are mainly achieved at the operational level, i.e., by the employees who are - at least partially - negatively opposed to the change.

  • Achieving acceptance for change
  • Change management as a core management task
  • The most common implementation barriers from practice

Successful Implementation through Leadership

A successful implementation requires full commitment and deep knowledge of the principles of change management:

  • Phase model for successful change management; implementation concept
  • Creating a common "higher goal"
  • Anticipated psychological stress as an implementation amplifier
  • Creating a sense of achievement and reinforcing change
  • Modeling expected behavior
  • Promoting cultural change by example
  • Controlling the implementation process

Change Leadership

Good leadership is easy when the employees’ and the company's objectives are largely aligned. However, this is rarely the case when major changes happen. The personal behavior, i.e., leading by example, is therefore of great importance. The seminar illustrates how to successfully shape change through personal leadership performance.

  • Successful leadership
  • Analyzing and understanding leadership behavior
  • Examining leadership behavior
  • Leadership for change
  • Leading authentically

Information und Beratung

+41 71 223 50 30


  • Duration: 3 days
  • Program Fees: CHF 4500 (plus 8.1% VAT for seminars in Switzerland)
    Invoicing in EUR possible (depending on current currency rate)

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+41 71 223 50 30

SGMI Management Institut St. Gallen
Bogenstrasse 7
CH-9000 St. Gallen

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